good news, after dr, appt on friday and hearing test, they again feel that they may be able to retaiin hearing in AN ear...other ear is great so I am so blessed either way.
the ms is giving me rough time...very weak and eye sight is poor,so excuse the mistakes. I've been indoors most of the time due to the heat but did maket with my new seated waker to a neighborhood party and had a great time..,home by 9!
The grand kids are all visisting the cottage this weekend and I'm enjoying having them here. I did disappear for a 4 1/2 hr nap right in the middle of the visit. I am just so tired now days and not willing to miss out on a single minute with my family if I can help it......some times it doesnt work.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. I am hanging in there, less than a week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night and God bless,