Hey webwrestler, Geez, I hate hearing about another person with facial problems - I just cringe...but, glad to hear you're having the 'zaps'. Most people online here who've had a nerve stretched DO get movement back, HANG IN THERE - it is a slow process. Some have taken upwards of 2 years, but you're already having the twinges so my heart is glad for you. I know it's unnerving.
I know what you mean re: going from extrovert to introvert - I'm over 13 months out with no movement but my nerve was cut & reattached, real bummer. I believe you're going to be okay, even if it doesn't feel that way right now.
Work is difficult for me with everyone staring, etc - I work in a hospital, took some getting use to. Good luck my friend, Nancy
ps: no pun intended re: using the term unnerving - but pretty funny, huh?...Hi there Ellis, hope all's well!!