Justin - great news mate! Well played!
Haven't posted here for sometime, so my apologies.
I am now 18 months post-op (3.5cm + / Translab / full LS facial paralysis / nerve in tact) and was beginning to lose some faith at around the 12 mth mark when improvement stagnated somewhat. I must say though over the past couple of months I have noticed some big improvements.
- my eye is back to normal - full blink and no need for any drops whatsoever; no tape at night needed. This recovered probably 7 to 9 mths post op
- smile is getting much better (or so my fiance tells me!) - can see a lot more teeth on the left side than a couple of months ago. Am getting married in March so am hoping the rapid improvement continues... and quickly! hehe
- forehead - i can finally see it trying to move which is a good sign. Has been the slowest but, as Justin said, we have our whole lives for this puppy to return. At least it reduces forehead lines!
- the twitches (incl rabbit twitch etc) - i must agree with others. These are GOOD! Usually a couple of days after twitches i notice some improvement in the area of the twitch.
- going to see a PT now to manage the synkenisis and also to see if she has any other suggestions.
Finally, life is finally feeling pretty much back to normal. Feeling as fit as I have ever been. Looking like the old me in photos again. More confidence.
Oh, and no more spewing on long runs (i always thought i was just soft!).
So to those early on with facial paralysis, have faith. I was told "3 months" and I'd be back to normal - my Docs were that confident (and they are world leaders in their field). 18 months later and I feel like i'm going to fully recover... well may be except for a weaker left forehead movement! I can handle that
