I personally consider it a disability, but from a legal perspective as stated, perhaps not. It sure is DEBILITATING! but not a debilitation.
I personally do not consider it as life debilitating to the point of getting on disability SSI and quitting work, NO WAY.
What I would be up in arms about is that if my employer does not accommodate my hearing disability and the American Disabilities Act may come into play there. I sure as hell would be pissed yet most employers are flexible.
One issue I want to bring up, is that if you try to get a job as a highway patrol police officer, or what not, they consider that as a true disability and one would not be able to do their job, or even put others at risk. Then-, I believe truly, they would put you in another position that would be more "accommodating".
I sure would not either consider myself applying for a disabled parking permit either. Those are mobility issues, We can get around ok, (except maybe NF2ers or post op people that can't walk due to vertigo).
I agree though with Tony, that there are many issues. cognitive probs, fatigue! and busy areas, auditoriums, etc, might as well be DEAF!, total confusin, most of us just "shut off" internally. I work as a social worker and do ok in a room with a person, throw in some noisy kids and it's quite the pain!