For those of you not familiar with me a brief background. I have a vidian nerve schwanomma..similar to an AN,,which is how I became a member of this happy little family...I have attempted surgery via endoscopic approach, but alas, my little tumor ( not so little) turned out to be so hard it could not be is showing signs of necrosis and calcification...on the surface a good thing. Many people tend to opt for watch and wait, as often the these types of growths will indeed, stop growing as the blood supply has run out. On the other hand, they may seek new blood supply and then grow suddenly, faster than normal etc. So the fact that you are seeing necrosis, is in some ways good,,may make it easier to treat as it appears that some of it is dying, but as stated above, there is still new cell growth, and schwanommas tend to seek out blood supply so don't be fooled into thinking that it is completely dying. You may be a good candidate for watch and wait age depending,,,
Me, mine is up under my brain and if it grows anymore, I will experience problems, so I opted to treat aggresively. But that is personal choice. I have paid in some ways for surgery and I am not sure what the results of CK will be in my near future, but hope for the best. I am hopefull that I will not experience much swelling of the tumor itself and if I can limit swelling of surrounding tissue I will be in good shape.
One of the reasons both myself and concurring Drs. do not think the tumor will swell...(some swelling of tumor is typical from radiation..approximately up to 15%), is due to the fact that it IS showing signs of necrosis, that will be in your favor if you opt for radiation. It always helps if the tumor is struggling to live to begin with and then you radiate it....making it harder for it to grow.
After following this board and the cyber site, I have so far found it common for many schwanommas (dont forget an AN is a schwanomma), to have necrosis before treatment....
Many individuals have chosen watch and wait status due to this reason....not for me, and of course your situation may be vastly different if the tumor is causing you, I just didnt want to wait and see if it was going to give me problems,,unlike an AN, my tumor will cause double vision, speech loss, and poss siezures compared to hearing loss and balance issues,,but very similar in nature.
Good luck with your decision and it seems to me that you are on the right path, and if it is dying in some ways,,,,take advantage while it is weak...
Take care