Hey Y'all--
So happy to find this site--I was on an AN listserve that I had to quit because of all the emails all the time.
I had my 2.2 cm AN removed via Middle Fossa at House in Jan of 03 and am still stuggling with debilitating headaches that have been diagnosed as migraines because of their one-sidedness and throbbing characteristics. When I get one of these I can barely move or speak the pain is so bad.
I also get a tension/pressure type headache about eveyday. The triggers for these come mostly from fatigue and exertion, but occaisionally I'll just wake up with it.
I've been on a number of anti-seizure meds and also anti-depressants for 3 years off and on, and the frequency and duration of these buggers is slowly diminishing.
I have been using Zomig nasal spray for the really bad ones which works pretty good if I take it in time. Either it totally aborts the headache, especially if I go lay down, or it shortens it to 4 hours instead of 12. I am fortunate enough to be in a finacial position where my husband takes up most of the slack, but I do (did) have a successful carreer as a painter. I did apply for disability benefits 2 years ago and have been turned down twice, but now have a lawyer working on it for me. I have resumed my painting on a part time basis, but about 2 hours into a session, my head starts acting up--pressure and one-sided pain on the AN side and I find one-half a vicodin usually takes care of it.
I really have to watch taking this nartcotic beacause it does cause rebound headaches. Problem is I don't know if I'm getting a rebound headache or a migraine.
My theory on this whole thing after doing a bunch of reading on migraines is this: I have hereditary migraines--not bad enough to seek medical help before my AN but bad enough to have to lay down for a bit--maybe 3-4 times a year. The trauma of the surgery kicked my migraine mechanism into overdrive.
The surgery also traumatized and damaged muscles and tendons in my neck, which is where most of the pain starts, what they call a "prodrome." My first break came from a really good physical therapist who worked on my neck 2-3 times a week for several months. This allowed me to paint again for the first time in 2 and a half years. I am still getting the migraines about twice a month, but I'm exercising again at our local wellness center 2-3 times a week which is huge progress for me.
Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I empathize with all of you out there stuggling with these headaches. Before all this I was an avid hiker, sailor, windsurfer and runner and now, well I feel like I went to sleep in Jan of 03 and woke up in someone else's body and it really p's me off sometimes to have been dealt such a bad hand--you know what I mean.
Thanks for reading.