I posted the following a week or two ago:
"In mid July, I had surgery to remove my hardware (3 mini plates and 6 screws) from my AN surgery. I did not have any trouble with the scar itself but the tissue underneath the scar was tender where the mini plates and screws had been attached. The surgery was done at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. It was an out patient procedure. My orginal surgery was done by Dr Brackmann at HEI almost 2 years ago (11/05). It is unusual to have the hardware removed and I did consult with Dr Brackmann prior to my decision. He was not sure it would help, but assured me it would not make things worse. My scalp and incision are much better. The tenderness is gone..."
My procedure was done in the same way, small strip shave over old scar, old scar used to open. I was put to sleep but the procedure only took a half hour and I had absolutely no complications such as infection. As I said above, the soreness and tenderness are gone.