Cory : Attitude, at least a positive one, is your best friend right now. When I was 23 I found out my "psychosomatic" illness (that had been treated with large amounts of drugs) indeed was a brain tumor (a.n.) and a rather large one at that (I do not know measurements). When I went to see the surgeon I was given a 50% chance of surviving the surgery but certain death in a few months without surgery....needless to say I didn't hear much else the man said after that. Within 2 1/2 weeks of diagnoses I went into surgery, it lasted 15-16 hours...I woke up a couple of days later on life support and a lot of pain.....but I walked out of that hospital 9 days later and went need for rehab. I was off work 3 1/2 months and then returned to my full-time nursing job.
Since that time I have had many plastic repairs done to my face to compensate for the loss of the 7th nerve and 3 weeks ago I returned to the o.r. to have the regrowth of the blasted thing removed (my choice to have it done, not medically necessary at this time but I couldn't live with it psychologically). Regowth was likely due to a cell or two left behind douring the first o.r., I have really bad luck and that happens even more rarely than a.n.'s do to begin with.
Cory, just take it as it comes, read as much factual info. as you can before desiding on treatment and try to keep positive