Interesting comments on size limits for treating an AN by radiosurgery from Dr. Rosenberg on the CPSG board. Most of us have always worked under the "3 cm rule".
Dr. Rosenberg
Size is very much a moving target. The "3cm rule" comes from historicaly Gamma Knife data. This is limited as Gamma Knife can deliver only single fraction dosing. In fact, we at Menorah have been pushing this and are currently collating our data on much larger tumors. Currently, our largest intracranial tumor which was also compressing the brainstem was 108 cc. This corresponds to a 6 cm diameter sphere. We have 9 month follow-up on this patient who is doing quite well. We are now following 77 patients with such large tumors treated and hope to have more information soon. In summary, I think that with different targeting (non-isocentric vs isocentric GK) and fractionation, we will be able to treat MUCH larger tumors with stereotactic radiosurgery than have been previously considered treatable.
Cathy, you might want to get your films and clinical information to a CyberKnife Center for consideration.
William S. Rosenberg, MD
Medical Director, Menorah Medical Center CyberKnife
Midwest Neurosurgery Associates
6420 Prospect Street, Suite T411
Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 363-2500