Ah, how the similar stories pile up! I had experienced hearing loss starting in '94, but didn't think much of it as I was prone to ear infections as a kid. When it became pronounced, (audiologist, attempt at hearing aid... sound familiar?), I went back to my ENT and for another hearing test. The new audiologist gave me 99 to 1 odds that it was an AN. MRI a week later, results 48 hours after, and it was confirmed. (Hopefully, your MRI wait will also be fairly quick. Once you have it done, the results should be available quite quickly - just call the radiologist and ask to pick up a copy of the report.)
Like you, I'd done the research, so I wasn't a bit surprised with the diagnosis. Mine, like yours, is right-side. It's 3cm, and I'm having translab surgery November 7. I'm glad to be getting to the point of getting this taken care of.
I didn't have all the symptoms, which surprised my docs, as they feel I probably lost the balance function in that ear a fews years ago. I do have terrible (okay, zero) useful hearing, and constant tinnitus, but I've adjusted to those. My goal with surgery is to maintain facial nerve function, even if that means leaving a little tumor behind. My doc likes that idea, with follow up MRI's and Gamma Knife if necessary to treat the residual tumor. We shall see.
So, do your research, keep the faith, and know that there's quite a crew of people who have gone before you and are pulling for you.
Good luck, and keep us posted!