Dianne: I too am having trouble sleeping, my surgery was Sept. 6th (or whatever that Tues. was). My doctor gave me some sleeping pills and they do certainly help but I don't want to take them all the time because they can be highly addicting. I find I could sleep for hours in an afternnon nap but not at night....even when I force myself to stay up all day I won't sleep more than 6 hours total in broken sleep at night. I had this problem too the first time I had surgery (yes this is the second time, tumor regrew!) but at that time I can remember I couldn't get to sleep because I was convinced I would die....my first surgery was very traumatic, I was only given 50% chance of surviving the surgery and I was awake and on life support for a couple of days.
Some suggestions: warm milk, warm bath, try sleeping somewhere other than your bed (couch, spare room), if you can't sleep get up briefly and then go back, lie quietly so at least your body rests.
I know how frustrating this is...it doesn't make sense that you're so tired you can't stay awake and then once in bed you can't sleep.
I can't remember how long this lasted for the first time...then again as soon as I return to work I have disrupted sleeping patterns anyways (shift worker).