Dear Pejavar
Any one of the losses that you mention would be devastating.  It's hard to reconcile the person you were before (and what you were able to do, with who you are now and (what you may, or may not be able to do).  It touches every area of your life and how you view yourself.
I am inspired by you and others like you.  I see your losses and it saddens me.  But I also see a person of strength and uncommon courage.  All of the things that you were  before, are still there now. You are still you!!!  Your value remains.  Because of the complicated AN journey and lessons that you've learned you have much to offer to others.  Your compassion, for you understand difficult times, be it the fear of serious illness, physical losses, emotional losses and loss of perceived value as a person. Inspite of everything, you are here , you're alive.  You are and will remain a positive example for others to follow. You are a work in progress. ÂÂ
Remember, that's it's ok to cry, that we need to acknowledge  and count the losses, be allowed to grieve and to be angry before we can accept and move on.  It's hard work, working thru these steps, but it's a necessary part of the journey.
Pejavar, Never under estimate your value, or if it's worth the struggle.  You are leading by example..
Raydean and Chet ÂÂ