Hi Lisa,
Wow, you have a full plate!
As far as your AN is concerned, hearing loss and/or preservation is primarily related to how large your tumor has grown and how much hearing loss you now have. I've read a few cases where people who have undergone radiosurgery have actually regained a little hearing, but the goal is generally to preserve the hearing at its current level. So, how big is this tumor?
For the sake of comparison, I have a 3cm right AN that is being removed surgically on November 7. I have already lost about 95% of the hearing in that ear, as well as the majority of the balance nerve. (To put that in perspective: If I have my iPod on full blast, it's much too loud for my left ear, and barely discernible in my right ear. I can sometimes tell it's music coming through the headphone, but I could never tell you the name of the song.) Surgery is the right choice for me, for a number of reasons, but the translab procedure guarentees I will lose 100% of the hearing and balance function in my right ear. While this sounds drastic, it really isn't any different from my current levels. So, no big deal. My main concern is preserving facial nerve function.
You'll be in the best of hands at House; my father and brother are both surgeons, and both told me that House is #1. However, they are surgery-oriented, so make sure to do your research about radiation options.
Good luck, and keep us posted!