Hi all,
As a lot of you know, I've dabbled in the idea of writing an AN book about our experiences. When that fell through I kept writing and at least wanted to chronicle my personal experience. I've been writing for, hell, about 3 years now and I've come pretty close to completing my story to date. My goal isn't to sell it or anything, but to make it available to those who want to hear about a real life personal experience. The "rough" draft is done including my experiences through two microsurgeries and gamma knife. I also threw a bunch of photos in there. At this point, I'm looking for a few folks who'd be willing to read it and give me their opinion. Someone that can say "it's be helpful if you elaborated on this or that, or this part was great/unneccesary" Anyway, if anyone is up to reading it, I'd appreciate your feedback, it's shorter than a book (barely) but much longer than a term paper. I have it available to email if anyone is interested. I'd love to know what you think.
If you'd like me to send you a copy, just shoot me a quick email at
sryan@villagegreen.comIt ends pretty abuptly, but I wanted to get some feedback before I finish it off.
Thanks so much everyone. I think there is a little something for everyone in there