Margaret: I can't close my eye totally no matter how hard I squeeze; but my optomologist said I have the Bell's phenomenon (I think that's what it's called - someone correct me if I'm wrong) - that's when you go to close your eye & the eyeball rolls upward so the cornea is protected. I think my eyelid closes about 1/2 way when I squeeze hard & all you see is the white of the eyeball. The doc told me to do this as often as I can as it helps bathe the cornea in my tears since my eye does produce tears but they're useless since I can't blink, they just roll down my face. I can't wait to get the platinum weight. I certainly understand your not wanting any more surgeries, & if you don't need it, why bother? Always good thoughts, Nancy
ps: I thought the same thing about the goggles in the shower; I remember Rita (Chris' mom) saying Chris uses them, but for guys their hair is shorter - wouldn't work for me either !
pss: My neurologist said the same thing re: the eye area is the last area to get movement, if it does at all, especially the eyebrow area..