Hi, Sam:
Thanks for the update. We really appreciate it. You had us a bit worried there...for a while, anyway. Now, all is right with the world.
No apology is needed on your part for not posting sooner as you certainly had more important things to do.
Yes, the lengthy surgery must have been stressful (to put it mildly) and the long night in the NICU with Adrian suffering through incubation is probably one of the worst nights either of you have had, or will have, but I can assure you that it will soon become nothing but an unpleasant memory that you'll hardly ever recall - or want to. That's how my ICU experience seems to me, now, 15 months later.
That Adrian is home and apparently 'chomping at the bit' (to get back to his normal activities) is wonderful news. I was sleepy my first few days at home, but I soon was anxious to get back to normal living....and I did. With your love and support, I know Adrian will, too. Wish him all the best for me....and take care of yourself, too, young lady.