Do you take someone with you to your MRI's. I've always had someone place their hand on my calf to let me know there is an outside world nearby. And, if the machine has the digital timer, I have them tell me when I have 7 minutes to go....then 2 minutes...and I always cover my eyes so that I don't have to fight to keep them open.
I've had 2 dozen or more closed mri's, and it is still a process I work on the relax myself.
And "
only 29"? I think that's a great age!! Yes, young to have to go thru this. I'm 37. I was 20 for 5 years and 25 for 10.
Uh, what I mean is that people - mainly adults - thought I was 20 for a long time and 25 even longer.
And the 30's are fabulous!!!!!! I am still in the diagnosis stage/having my mri Tuesday. So, I can't help with the other stuff.
Just know that I'm tossing positive thoughts your way!