Yeah, I wanted to take the tumor home too and made a half hearted comment to that respect to my neurosugeon. Needless to say, I didn't get a humerous response. The way I figure, all that insurance money I'm sorta paying for, I should get a soveneir other than a deaf ear! Maybe a bronze scalpal above my desk?!
On another note, I started work today on monday. I went into the office from 9-12, it was great to be back. Its amazing to think that three weeks ago this minute, I was 12 1/2 hours into surgery and had several hours to go. Work has been going well, but like my usual self, I'm probably triing to undertake too much at once. I;m 28, and just really want my career to take off in the right direction, it's hard to manage how I'm going to change careers, do a good job at my current one, and recover from surgery. You know what I mean? So I'm stressing out, even now I'm writing this after taking a break filling out an application for a very cool job. So today I worked from 7:30-12:00, got some lunch, came home and slept till 3:00 and have been working on my application since. (its not almost 7:00pm) I guess I just want to move on, immerse myself and hope for better things. Not too mention I don't want to run the clock out on my vacation time. Working for the government can be a real pain when it comes to sick leave.
Otherwise, I'm feeling great! My night vision and balance in the dark is a little weird. Anyone else ever have that problem? I'm just a little tired otherwise.
ok, I'm done ranting for the night, I need to finish this job application.
Everyone whose having surgery today and in the coming few days, good luck, my thoughts are with you. It's scary, but it will be ok.