It's good that you got contrast, it really helps in identifying ANs. You really need a radiologist report to find out if any of the dots are significant. They are quite expert at reading MRIs. I can't tell if the pic you posted is with or without contrast; usually they do some of each for comparison. It is when an area goes from dull without contrast to bright with contrast that you have an "area of interest". When I looked through my MRI images, I saw all sorts of spots. Only the one that changed a lot with contrast, and was in the right place, and so on, really mattered.
So, wait to see what the radiologist report and the neruologist have to say. As for the tech, they are generally under strict orders not to pass on any interpretation of an MRI, since they are not doctors and are not qualified to do so. I asked mine if she saw anything, and she just said "can't say." Since you have waited this long, you can wait a few more weeks to get the definitive results. Won't be long now.