Author Topic: Dr. Sahni Richmond VA  (Read 5288 times)


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Dr. Sahni Richmond VA
« on: October 09, 2007, 06:21:13 pm »
My name is Sammy & I was diagnosied with Acoustic Neuroma in January 2007. I was cared for by Dr. Sahni & Dr. Shaia @ Johnson Willis Medical Center. My tumor was 3 cm in size therefore I had to have the surgery which took 10 hours. I had wonderful service by both the doctors & the hospital staff. Not only did they take care of me they took care of my family during my stay @ JWM. Dr. Sahni was not biased about the surgery or the gamma knife. He let me make the decision, however he did discuss my situation with other Acoustic Neuroma specialist. Due to the size of my tumor he recommended the surgery because of my age (58) & my health. A portion of tumor was on the facial & hearing nerve. Dr. Sahni explained to me that I would lose my hearing and there was a chance that I could have partial facial paralysis but he would be very cautious when removing the nerve and if he thougt it would effect my face that he would stop the surgery.   I did lose my hearing in my left ear but did not have any paralysis in my face.   Because Dr. Sahni could not remove the entire tumor he explained to me that I would have to come back at a later time and have Gamma Knife.   Three months after my surgery, I went back and had Gamma Knife to stop future growth.   Hopefully, the Gamma Knife will cut off the food supply and eventually the tumor will die and be absorbed by the body.   
I go back to see Dr. Sahni in February and he said that he did not expect the tumor to be smaller but stated that it should be a different color.   He also stated that over the next couple of years the tumor should dry up and be disolved by the body.
I would highly recommend both Dr. Sahni and Shaia for anyone w/ Acoustic Neuroma.
If you have Acoustic Neuroma and would like to talk to someone who has actually gone through the surgery you can give me a call at 540-483-1030.  (Sammy Chitwood)   


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Re: Dr. Sahni Richmond VA
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 06:00:31 am »
What a good feeling to hear from someone who had my same experience and docs! I had surg with sahni/schia in Oct '06, Jan '07, and GK in MArch. I had Wayne, who did his fellowship at the House clinic, and he did a great job.  I lost my hearing in the left also, and have some balance problems, and had my 6 month post MRI last night (aren't those fun?) BEEP!!  I too am glad I chose Dr. Sahni.  I travelled, had other consults, and looked around in the short time I had to make a decision, but in the end his bedside manner won out.  HE took 16-17 hrs in my last surgery to be really careful with the facial nerve.  I also had very nice nurses in the ICU, tho I didn't think so at the time (too much anesthesia). Whew! Take care, and I'm at 804-868-5221 if you ever want to compare notes! :)
Lori, Left AN,  2 translab surgeries and GK radiation, 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, Dr. Singh Sahni and Drs Fred and Wayne Schia, Chippenham Johnston-Willis, Richmond, VA. Deaf in left, temp paralysis post surg 1/07


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Re: Dr. Sahni Richmond VA
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2007, 04:18:19 pm »
I am so glad to hear such good things about Dr. Sahni in Richmond.....I have been to U.Va. Medical Center to see Dr. Hashisaki and liked him very much....I just want to get a 2nd opinion to investigate my best options.  I really liked all the things you said about him...that is the kind of dr. I like to see.  And, considering the delicacy of all of this physicallly and emotionally....I want someone who is in tune with me.  Dr. H. at U.Va. was also very kind and explained things well...but getting in touch with him was a trial.  I want to be able to contact my dr. more easily. 

Anyway....I have already made contact with the GJW center in Richmond....Thanks again for all this great information!! :D


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Re: Dr. Sahni Richmond VA
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 08:48:19 am »
Hi Sammy,

My name is Beth I just found your post. I live in Va Beach and had my surgery here. I had a great nursing staff but non existent docs. The fact I remained in the hospital for 3 and 1/2 week scared them. My tumor hopefully will absorb but I haven't seen a neurosurgeon since after my surgery. Basically After by surgery mine missed the boat on follow ups so my neurologists took over and I carried on with UVA. Getting in touch with a Dr. is ruff I need the best Travel is easy. In this area there weren't any Dr's to really choose from he did only 6 a year. Not to many but people convinced me because of the rarity of the tumor. Well I'm doing better now. Would love to chat. Happy holidays  ;D
18x18x19mm an rs 1-10-06
Translab approach
Gamma knife 9-29-06 UVA
25% regrowth 1st follow-up
Life has been good to me :-)