Hi to all,
I'm new on this site, but am I glad I found it!
I'm from England and I was Only disgnosed last thursday, my op is on 9th November my AN is 3ish cm.
I had so many questions, they all seem to have been answered just by reading through some of the topics, I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster I've been told so much in the space of a week, think my head might explode.
On Sunday I broke, I cried uncontrolably, Nothing in particular set me off, just folding some washing, getting the kids school stuff ready and that was it one small tear turned into many, my husband, bless him, thought there was something wrong, you know just one thing, but the problem was there was a hundered things wrong and none I could just pin point, he held me for a while whilst I just fell apart, I love him for being there for me, I just wish everyone else would understand that I don't want to talk about it all the time, I don't want sympathy from people I just want to be treated as normal its hard enough without being reminded that I have a major op coming up in 4 weeks time, plus how insensitive can some people be? I was at work trying to forget whats going on and a woman I hardley ever speak to just waltzed over and said "Oh god Cheryl are you alright someone told me you have a brain tumour"
I mean, Hello! who in there right mind would say that?
Any way getting back to the AN I have symptoms but I had them months before I was diagnosed, I just never thought I had something so serious, I lost some hearing in my left ear, I have persistant headache's, a dry mouth, a sore tounge and finally some dizzy spells and some very clumsy moments walking into doors, walls etc.....
I just wanted to say all that, not to anyone I know, I just had to say it!
Hope to share my experiences with you, Cheryl XxX