Hi Lance: The surgery for the gold implant is not bad at all. It's done out-patient. The only recovery issue is swelling (expected of course) - so you will be putting the ice pack to your eye for a few days. Pain (for me) was minor, nothing extra strength Tylenol didn't cure. I had the implant put in, then, unfortunately had it removed 8 months later as I had an allergic reaction (very, very rare, so don't worry - no one else on this board who had the implant had this reaction, just me) - so they took the implant out (no biggy surgery wise, but I MISS IT - will be getting a platinum weight in a month). You really don't even notice it. And the help it gives to blink more is incredible, not to mention you will certainly LOOK much better !!!! The docs will know what amount of weight to use, so don't worry about your cornea. My doc did tell me it should be removed & replaced every 5 years as it can 'break thru' the eyelid (he even showed me a picture of a patient this happened to.)
If your docs recommend the weight, go for it. So that's that - you WILL LOVE the results !!!!!
All the best, Nancy