Welcome to this forum. It is full of people in very much your same position who are willing to share their personal experiences in order to assist you in making an informed decision. I am one who had radiosurgery but with a not so great outcome within months of the treatment. However, I want to say that I would still choose radiosurgery but it would be either gammaknife or cyberknife, I had linac (linear accelerated) which does not have the best of outcomes if not in the best of hands. That means that the doctors doing the radiosurgery must be doing alot and I mean alot and you need to ask that question. Also, be aware, as the AN assoc. has said and that is that your doctors work as a team doing these surgeries all the team, in other words they have alot of experience and they work together making all decisions about your care. I want to say that once I got to the right doctors after suffering many side effects which were not understood by my doctors here, I felt much better and it helped me to heal and ultimately feel better. It took me a couple of years but looking back, again I say, I would've have changed my mind about radiosurgery, I would have found an experienced team of doctors who used cyberknife or gammaknife radiosurgery. This is only my personal opinion, I am a nurse, so you see, when any of us gets this diagnosis we are very fragile and it is that fragility that steered me in the wrong direction, I din't do the research because I was scared and told by my neurologist not to look on the internet, it woudn't help me. That was so wrong. You are doing the right thing by doing the research beforehand. Anytime you need help here, just ask. Holly