already on preventatives for migraines and have not had a migraine since surgery... or at least not a
migraine on left side where my migraines were located... I could draw a line up middle of chin and
nose and over the part in my hair ... the left side hurt and no pain at all in right side of head...
these head aches are nothing like the migraines I used to have ...and I didn't think there could
be anything worse than they were but these are ...
Have avoided situations where the sun does the strobe thing across road... and keep dark glasses in
case and do OK...
I talked to the doctor office yesterday... when they did the last post op MRI I had the fluid pocket that
was re-absorbing ... I was told that in some cases where there was room for fluid to move to much ,
they could go back in and added fat to get fluid movement back to normal... something about when
I lay down the fluid pools around surgical site and not enough remains around brain causing headaches...
I have never heard of this being done ... it kinda makes sense to me but I haven't even looked around the site or
googled for information... I don't want to think about opening my head to put in more fat...
I had called about my hearing ear as I am having some problems with it ... a sound like a refrigerator running ...
quiet but annoying and trouble hearing certain sounds ... was told this was nothing to worry about and they would
address it at my December appointment... easy for her to say with her two hearing ears
the nurse practitioner asked if I was still having head ache problems and I said yes and as she was looking at my
chart told me about the repacking with fat... don't know if he had written a side note in record as something to
watch or if she was passing on the information as general... wasn't hearing her well and didn't ask as much as I
should have ...