Hi Jeff: Yes, 4 is right, I am having the 'temporalis tendon transfer' surgery at Johns Hopkins with Dr. Patrick Byrne 11/20, & I can't wait.
I've had total paralysis, right side for 16+ months, & have had enough!! This is a pretty new procedure, & as you can see it gives a much more 'normal' appearance. I'll still have the paralysis, but this surgery helps give a closed mouth smile, is suppose to help also with eye issue & helps open up the paralysed nasal passage.
If you google 'temporalis tendon transfer', you'll see a few papers on it (not to be confused with temporalis muscle transfer which still left people with facial asymmetry).
I was told by my neurologist (& by Dr. Byrne), that after having the paralysis this long, my chances for a nerve graft taking aren't as good, & also, the older you are, the less chance of it taking. My facial nerve was cut & a primary anastamosis done at time of surgery, but it hasn't shown any signs of regenerating to the point that I have movement, or that the tone will improve.
So, that's that. Hope it helps you some with your choices.....
Always good thoughts, Nancy