Author Topic: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue  (Read 11128 times)


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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2007, 11:19:37 am »
My first symptom was balance, followed by ear fullness. I was fortunate that my doctor ordered an MRI almost immediately. My AN was small and grew to 6 mm, with increased balance issues and slight hearing loss (in certain frequencies). I had surgery (middle fossa), retained my hearing and balance issues almost resolved. I occasionally get dizzy but not sure it is related to AN removal.
Middle Fossa November 8, 2005
Drs Brackmann and Hitselberger
House Ear

Captain Deb

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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2007, 01:40:42 pm »
1st red flag: 1992 Had physical for Voc Rehab (hurricane survivor) college scholarship  diagnosed with SSD and told to get it chacked out. Of course I didn't--toomany rock concerts and scuba diving I figured.

2nd red flag: 1998--bad fall down in the ravine 2 miles from the car, thought I broke my hip or tailbone, balance felt just "off." I used to be a real gazelle. Is it age?

3rd red flag: 2002--stuffy ear that would'nt "clear" on a ride back up the mountain and finally went to the doc, oh and by the way, I'm having some nasty headaches, too. As a matter of fact I'm having one right NOW!!!! and zap, he put me in the hospital overnight and MRI'd me the next morning. Bingo there it was, the nasty lil bugger!

Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2007, 01:46:51 pm »
Goodday All,

I had myself a very busy but exciting Thanksgiving.  Drove over to cook dinner for my elderly parents day before turkey day for brothers, sister, friends, neices, nephews and significant others.  WHEW!  Then, my guy drove us home that night to rest up for the "day after turkey day" I cooked for our son who was working in hospital on turkey day.  WHEW!  I'm tired, brain tired too.  Had good times and memories though.  I am now dogsitting his bullmastiff Blu and soon to get one more (female) Zara that will arrive from overseas in a few days.  YIKES!  Hope they get along! Gonna have to use my cane to poke them a few times if they start "grumpin" at one another.  

Here's the update:

Balance - 12
Hearing - 6
Other - 6

Thanks for adding to.  Oh yes, 4, loved your story!  Sorry bout the troubles and frustrations though.  Yenna, I see you went to Shands at UF.  I had my surgery with Antonelli/Lewis in 2005.  Sorry can't help you with the proceedure tx you are looking into, but you will be answered by those "in the know".   Welcome though.  Vcschaub, was your doc a PCP?  Wondering how he knew to order MR.  Your story is the one that is a success due to your doctors "heads up" smarts.  This is EXACTLY why I started this survey, and hope it can be presented to PCP's, ENT's and new med students as to the importance of early dx.  I know funding isn't there for "rare" medical issues as, sadly, no $$ for docs/insurance companies so for them to find a cure isn't why I started this.  It's to save the hearing nerve!  I'm setting my sights low in hopes of helping more people hear better.  
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear


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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2007, 01:58:30 pm »

The doctor that diagnosed me was in my PPO with Blue Cross. She is also my neighbor and she had treated my children. She is an ENT. That may have influenced the speed with which the MRI was ordered.
Middle Fossa November 8, 2005
Drs Brackmann and Hitselberger
House Ear

neal r. lyons

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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2007, 08:49:34 pm »
I experienced an instantaneous loss of hearing in my right ear  a few years prior to discovering the AN.  I just wrote it off as part of aging. (not smart is what is what it actually was)  Months later i had episodes of dizziness along with spikes in blood pressure(along with the dizziness)  The most pronounced episode of dizziness was accompanied by tingling which began at my lower right jaw and quickly went up the right side of my face.  I believe that this was caused by the interaction of the AN with my trigeminal nerve.  I also had a few incidents while driving when I became unaware of my location which was very disconcerting.  Headaches for me did not begin until about 5 months prior to my surgery soon after my most prominent dizzy spell.  I'm convinced that all of the aforementioned symptoms were directly caused by the acoustic neuroma.    Neal
AN 2.6X2.0X2.8 (right side)                                           June 22, 2007
House Ear Clinic/St. Vincent's Hospital@ Los Angeles, Ca.

Translabyrinthine(5 1/2 hr.):  Dr.Brackmann-neurotologist    Dr.Schwartz-neurosurgeon    Dr.Kutz-incision@stitches    Dr.Stefan-internist


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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2007, 04:51:20 pm »
Mine was balance first, with a severe attack of nightime vertigo. I woke up feeling sick staggered to the bathroom, and collapsed with my face on the toilet seat. I didn't even know I was dizzy, because I couldn't lift my head at all. That was about a year and a half ago, it took a year to diagnose Menieres, and finally someone decided to do an MRI (previous cat scan was negative). The MRI showed a very small AN, so I will be heading to Phoenix next month to see Dr. Daspit/Barrows Neurological Clinic.

I have been dizzy almost every day for over a year now, and my hearing loss fluctuates and is actually a low frequency hearing loss (which is why they thought it was Meniere's).



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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2007, 03:36:22 pm »
First bad bout with vertigo in 2000.  Doctors chalked it up to stress from being a caretaker for my hubby.  2003 because vertigo bouts continue, my primary ordered MRI without contrast.  Showed nothing.  Remember commenting well at least I know I don't have a brain tumor. 2005 noticed hearing loss and went to ENT who suspected immediately AN, ordered MRI with contast and the rest is history.               

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.


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Re: Survey Of Balance Issue vs Hearing Issue
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2007, 04:00:48 pm »
I used to hear the wind whistling in my ear when I was outside, all the time on the side I eventually was diagnosed with an AN.  I just used to think it was strange or related to all the sinus problems I've always had.  Never really thought that much of it although I had mentioned it to my ENT and he didn't see anything when he looked in my ear.  About 6 months (I'm guessing on the time here) after noticing the whistling I suddenly lost hearing when answering the phone one day which scared the poo out of me so I made an appt with my ENT.  He did all kids of weird tests on me and lastly sent me for an MRI for something that was possible but a 1 in 100,000 shot.  It ended up being that, an AN and you all know what happens next.
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right