I'm assuming the AN your mother has is 7mm x 8mm? If her tumor is in the "mm" range perhaps she can do the "watch and wait" and in the meantime do vestibular rehab to deall better with the vertigo and nausea. I cannot comment on having the same procedure as your mother as I had surgery three years ago. I have had problems ever since with oscillopsia (bouncing vision while walking), nystagmus (eyes moving back & forth), balance went from 80% to 65% in three years, vertigo, nausea, seizure-type activity (felt l was ten-feet tall or the ground moving away from me), hyperacusis, headaches and problems of my legs giving out so started to use a cane. My MR showed inflammation and possible hemorrhage in my AN ear.
My neurotologist, Dr. Antonelli, recently wrote in the newest ANA Newsletter about residual balance problems, gentamycin treatment and or a labyrinthectomy. I recently went to him where he performed (ear canal approach) both. The hearing nerve since surgery did not work so losing my hearing wasn't an issue with me. I learned to adapt in the three years to single sided deafness. Now with your mother being in her eighties, falling due to vertigo would not be good. I understand the doctor wanting to use radiotreatment due to her age, less recovery than with surgery, but losing the hearing in the good ear will have to be thought seriously on by her.
I am doing so much better, and due to rehab (2 x's week) and home exercises I am very happy with my recent procedure. Shame it took so long as the doctors I saw in my home town were misdiagnosing me. It wasn't until I saw my neurotologist at recent Symposium where he took over for me.