Author Topic: Facial Paralysis after GK ???  (Read 25318 times)


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Re: Facial Paralysis after GK ???
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2018, 01:01:05 pm »
Just to be clear, my incomplete eyelid closure is not just at night, nor is it complete. My eye doctor estimates it 1 mm, which is not enough to cause exposure keratitis which I quickly developed when the lid would not stay closed. I could close my eye but it would not stay closed. Lagophthalmous is used to denote incomplete lid closure. If it did become a problem I am advised simple lid surgery can correct the problem as it is so minor at 1 or 2 mm's., no gold or platinum weight is necessary.
UPMC ( Univ of  Pittsburgh Medical Center ) has a Facial Paralysis Center that also treats synkinesis. UPMC installed the first GK in the US and has treated the most AN's so it is familiar with complications from GK treatment. It is a short drive for me so it is available if I need it.
4.7 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.2 cm vestibular schwannoma
Simplified retrosigmoid @ Cleveland Clinic 10/06/2011
Rt SSD, numbness, vocal cord and swallowing problems
Vocal cord and swallowing normalized at 16 months. Numbness persists.
Regrowth 09/19/2016
GK 10/12/2016 Cleveland Clinic
facial weakness Jan 2017