I too have often wondered why on earth it took sooooo long for my diagnosis.
Maybe I could blame my GP that, back in 1991, scheduled me for MRI w/o contrast for suspected brain tumor due to one-time moment of not knowing where I was.
Had another so called specialist in my town (Otolaryngologist/Chief of Staff) diagnosed me correctly, my hearing could have been spared. I went to this guy for constant tinnitus where he then proceeds to put the "ear muffs" on me, but forgot to turn down the volume before he started the tone testing. I jumped out of my chair on the first tone as it was incredibly high! Anyway I ramble.....mind you he is not an Audiologist, but he felt my constant tinnitus and mild hearing loss was due to a Bruce Springsteen concert oh, about 8 years prior and also that I'm getting old, was 36 years young then!
Maybe I will blame all the allergist I saw for one year of shots for severe allergic asthma (had weird anaphylaxis-type moments and carried epipen) only to tell me after one year of shots, I didn't have asthma and would I like to see her psychiatrist husband as she felt it was "all in my head". By the way, the anaphylaxis episodes have never happened since my AN surgery--go figure!
Saw another "specialist" for drooling, and sensation something was stuck in my throat only to go through endoscopy to find out nothing was seen, take "the purple pill as prescribed and call him later", which I did to tell him the symptoms still persist, whereby he tells me there is nothing seen on my report, and if my symptoms persisted let him know!!! I wanted to shout back at him "Whaddya mean IF MY SYMPTOMS PERSISTED?! HEY, THEY HAVEN'T GONE AWAY! Didn't I just get done telling you this?!"
Kept telling my GP the moments of bad balance, fear of heights, constant tinnitus, were still there, but now something new has arrived on the scene, my left ear is leaking fluid. To which he agreed, stuck some sort of monitor in my ear and said it showed discrepency, but did nothing and sent me home with the dx of "stress, try to relax."
Went to see chiropractor for his dx of fibromyalgia and he got a pocket full of $$! He didn't help me at all.
Saw pulmonologist who couldn't explain the weird not being able to breath episodes so put me on inhalers of steroids, and bronchodilators only to have symptoms persist after about a year of that nonsense!
Finally my GP sent me to ENT because I told him I couldn't hear out of my left ear and thought I needed to be fitted for hearing aide
This ENT/moron did the right thing by ordering MRI with contrast, but sent me way out of town to a MRI facility that was scammin the insurance companies (double billing, and they finally got caught), why didn't he just send me to local hospital?.....hmmmmm because the moron was probably taking a "kick back from this facility!" Well, he took his sweet time in getting back to me telling me "sorry, you have a brain tumor, needs to come out right away, go see Dr. so and so!"
With many years of misdiagnosis where does the blame lay? Can I really blame anyone? What a bunch of overpaid, no good, blah, blah, blah.......
Hey Phyl, move over I'm having popcorn with you!