Hey, Kristin!
Ok, lemme see if I have it straight!

Josh is a compulsive gambler living in Las Vegas under the 'guise of a school teacher. He claims to have an AN, but is really submitting himself for organ harvesting in order to pay off his gambling debts. When he speaks of a 4 cm AN, he really means a 4 digit debt. I think we could probably gather enough money from everyone here to cover 4 digits, though. I think Josh was on an episode of CSI Vegas a while back.
Jake just had surgery, yes. However, he neither lives in Las Vegas, nor is a compulsive gambler. I believe he lives in Boston (since his handle is BostonJake), but I'm not sure. Perhaps if we ask him to say apartment and car? (Apahhtment, cah) His surgery was last week. He also has a friend Linda, who had surgery on the same day. I don't think they're related, however. I don't think they've ever met, either. She's not from Boston, but has eaten at Boston Pizza before. I think they met through an AN forum and decided to get operated on the same day. If I'm not mistaken, House gives group discounts? Perhaps if we had enough people we could get a bus load together and go there all at once? Maybe Josh's idea of a group get together is right on track, but for surgery, not for afterwards.
Me, I'm your neighbour to the North, fresh from the MRI oven on Monday, waiting for the verdict. The jury is still out deciding my sentence. The one thing that I've learned is that ANs, like our currency, are 73% smaller in Canada. Perhaps it's all the cold weather?
Not to further confuse you, but targa72e is also called John. He has been lurking on this forum for a while and just surfaced and introduced himself. He has been diagnosed but has not undergone treatment yet. Sounds like a nice guy.
There you have it. For some reason, people always seem to be able to keep me straight.
"She was lookin' kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead...."
If it's easier, you could call me by another name. My wife has a few for me. Like honey and sweety. What were you thinking?