Marg, have you gone to PT for the facial issues? I've been going for a few months now. She couldn't really do much before I started to have some movement, but right about 7 or 8 months, I started to get some. I'm not sure if you are experiencing synkinesis, but it might not hurt to have a PT check it out. It's much easier to try to correct if you catch it early.
Currently, I can't blink, but you do see a little flutter of movement in my eyelid when i try - unfortunately, due to the synkinesis, my upper lip and cheek on that side move when I try to blink. It's pretty minor now and chances are only my PT and I notice it, but we are working on correcting "the wiring" so the right parts move when they are supposed to. Otherwise, if we leave it this way, eventually I will look like I'm snarling when i try to blink. I don't really want that to happen!
If areas of your face like dimples in your chin, laugh lines or the little indent below your nose start to look like they are pulling to one side, it means the muscles on that side are getting stronger than they should be. It could either be on your good side, compensating for the lack of muscle tone on your bad side, or it can be on your bad side, meaning the wrong muscles may be getting activated by the nerve, causing the assymetry.
Hope that didn't sound too confusing. I think I may have confused myself! If you figure out where the "stop" button is for this merry-go-round, let me know!