Is there anyone from Houston out there? I am feeling pretty alone in this. I had problems with passing out at work for about a year and a half. And I also had heart palpitations. May 26, 2007 I started getting worse and passing out all the time. I went to see a Cardio for my palpitations and he did tests for a couple of months, then sent me to see a specialist in downtown Houston. I have ANVRT whatever that stands for? They set me up to have a surgical procedure done for the next week (That was sometime in July). Well, in the mean time I had gone to see a Neuro and had an MRI done. So, 4 days before the heart procedure I went back to see the Neuro and he told me I had a tumor. I was shocked. He said it was rather large and needed to come out. I left crying. I called my mom and she was shocked. I had no neurological symptoms at all. I was referred to Dr Bindal, the chief of micro-neurosurgery at SW Memorial. He told me the tumor was ice cream cone shaped and pressing on my brain stem. He said if I didn't have it taken out I would be dead inside of 2 years. I was scared to pun intended. THEN I went to see the ENT, Dr McReynolds. He confirmed what Doc Bindal said. My 18 mm tumor was in a dead end canal and tangled itself up in all my nerves there. (Freakin' thing!!!) That was July 17, 2007. We set up a date for August 13, 2007. My head was spinning at how fast this was happening. I went to the hospital Aug. 13 and had my surgery...7 1/2 hours. I don't remember the weekend before or very much in the last 4 months. I do remember I had horrible balance, fell quite a few times and cut my head open on the surgery side. So I went to vestibular therapy and learned how to get my balance back. I've also been having these mind blowing headaches and muscle spasms. I have tried every drug to stop this pain, but the Dr s seem to think I'm crazy. I finally went to another Neuro and he believes me!!! Now I am taking Imitrex injections each morning and ibuprofen for the rest of the day. It seems to be working. I've gone back to work and feel a lot better. I just wanted to know if there was a support group out here that I could go to. Does anyone know how to find that out?