Hi everyone!,new here (Ive' been lurking though for a short while).Im' a 53yr old male,not yet diagnosed.My symptoms for the last yr.have been constant ear ringing,dizziness or off balance feeling,my right ear seems plugged with occasional dull pain behind ear lobe,and my hearing especially high end,has been getting worse.
I also feel exhausted all the time.I went to an ENT in may,he did hearing test found slight diminished hearing,prescribed prednisone,which seemed to help,but my hearing and balance seem worse.Im' on my second round of prednisone right now.I will be seeing my GP on Jan.08,for a checkup,I will insist on a MRI with contrast,if for no other reason than my own piece of mind.
There seems to be alot of good info here,and I hope i won't be joining your club(no offense intended).But I do have a gut feeling about this,as a couple yrs.ago I had schwannomma deep in the nerve in my leg,that I had to switch doctors to have diagnosed correctly.(gut feeling again).Don't want to get to long winded here,but my main questions are,did any of you before diagnosis just feel lousy all the time? besides dizziness and hearing loss? and after treatment did your dizziness subside?
Thanks in advance for any answers,or info you can provide.Bruce