Happy New Year to all as we start 2008.
My hope and prayer for all of us is that by Dec. 31, 2008 we are all much further along in our AN recoveries and life is much much better than it is today. I am so encouraged by reading of others who (a year or 2 after treatment) are doing so much better than they were just a few weeks or months out.
Today is a 'wipe out' day for me . I had 2 migraines in the last 8 days ... makes a total of 7 for 2007 instead of the usual 1 a year ( I know that doesn't sound like much for those of you who get the brainwreck ones.....but it is a lot for me). Hoping 2008 is better on that end of things too. Mine are more connected with stress and I don't seem to handle it as well since AN surgery.... so will try to find new ways to get stress relief . Life doesn't seem to cut us any slack with it's demands and responsibilities.... just because we have AN issues to deal with . All the major stuff goes on - elderly parents needs, adult children needs, demanding work needs, household chores and paperwork needs, and of course the emergency things that come up on a regular basis. It also seems that the 'stuff' I let go during 2007 (my year of the AN monster) is now screaming at me to get taken care of...a bit overwhelming.... Oh... maybe that is some of the stress too....
Sorry, didn't mean to bring a negative tone into the 'Happy New Year'. All in all, it is great to be alive and tomorrow will be a better day than today.
May you all have a great 2008 ...