How rude!!
How dare I have bad days, ok, ok, I realise I'm not invinseable, but I did for a while feel like super woman, this is maybe why I fell with bump last weekend, after a week of being with family and friends running round here, there and everywhere and after going to a friends party on the 29th I woke up on the 30th with my ear ringing and feeling like I had ear ache, my poor body said "whooo slow down girl" and that was that, 3 days of feeling as week as I did 3 weeks post op. the coach became my friend for a few days and everyone had to tip toe around so not to set my ear off. I don't know if any of you have experianced this, its a little like having a bee fly past, really close to your ear it only lasts for about a millisecond, and seems to send an electric shock through your body because the bee in your ear makes you jump! its a horriable experiance and when my ear is bad it happens every 10 to 15mins but you never know its coming there is no pre warning.
I've realised that maybe this recovery thing is going to take longer than I'd first thought, I went for a walk yesterday and its bitterly cold here in england at the moment, winds from siberia are blowing our way and -5 doesn't make a pleasent walking enviroment, but I want to walk to keep myself fit and keep my energy levels up but when its so bloody miserable outside all you want to do is hibernate.
does anyone go swimming? I want to go but I'm worried about my eye, and I'm sorry I'm not wearing a patch, can you imagine swimming with a patch over your eye, please, your just leaving yourself wide open for all the arrrrrrrr where be 'ur parrot and 'ur ship then, ya be thrown over board or did ya walk the plank haharrrrrrr! NO THANK YOU! (no offence cap debs) Pirates just ain't my thing no matter how sexy jonny depp makes them look! and he does.
So anyway just having a general moan and rant now, hope I'm not boring you, but has anyone noticed that people who don't know you do a double take at your face, as if there not sure if that eye didn't blink with the other one or hey is she winking at me? then once they realise that no in acctual fact the whole left side is'nt moving, then to make it worse they then try not to stare, for example, shop assistants who talk to you with there eyes looking somewhere eles or they just don't even lift there heads up from the till (cash register for those in the US) Grrrr doesn't winde me up just makes me feel like a lepar, so know I just move my head round to where there's is just to make a point.
Anyhoo, now I've had a grumble, join in and have a grumble too!
Take care all, oh and by the way I'm feeling better now I'm just resting up a bit this week.
Speak again soon
With love cheryl XxX