Hi Abey - nice to meet. There are several of us who ended up with facial paralysis. Most have had great improvement - but it can take over 2 years (that's the tough part, having patience). I unfortunately had my facial nerve cut & re-anastamosed, no movement so recently had surgery to help my face look more 'normal.'
Do you know if your facial nerve was cut, or just stretched during surgery? Those with a stretched nerve have the best results. Glad to hear you ARE seeing improvement, that's a good sign that your nerve will continue to improve.
It's only been 4 months for you, but you should see your neurosurgeon or neurologist about this (if you haven't already). Also, once movement starts, you may want to see a facial physical therapist to help 'retrain' your facial muscles, prevent synkenesis (abnormal muscle movement).
It's also very important to keep your cornea from drying out - sounds like you're doing everything right with the drops, etc. I & others have found that using an eye lubricant (though it does cause blurriness) works best - I personally use Refresh PM eye lubricant (you may want to use it at night only, as some do).
Does your upper eyelid close? Many of us have had gold or platinum weight implants put in the upper eyelid to help with the 'blinking' - it can be removed once movement comes back & you can blink on your own. You would want to see an opthomologist who does these procedures. It also gives the eye a more 'normal' appearance.
Hope this helps some. Let us know if you need anything else & keep us posted on your progress.
Always good thoughts, Nancy