My son Christopher is doing a science research project and needs your help. If you could please answer these questions in a copy pasted email to or back to me here we would be greatly appreciative. He is trying to find documentation to help the doctors in understand and treating AN's after dealing with mine and a teenage school friend of his.
Thanks in advance,
Michelle (aka BattyP)
The Cognitive Effects of an Acoustic Neuroma Survey
(All surveys will be anonymous and will not require you to provide your name however; I will ask you to please add your age (if you feel comfortable to) so I may set up an age bracket for my research on Acoustic Neuromas.)
1. Are you a male or a female?
2. Which cerebral lobe(s) is your tumor located on?
3. Prior to your diagnosis, did you suffer from headaches? If yes to #3 what was the intensity of your headaches on a scale of 1-10? (1 being very minimal and 10 being immobilizing)
4. Did you headaches lead to an MRI diagnosing your Acoustic Neuroma?
5. At any time before your diagnosis, did you experience uncontrollable changes in mood?
6. Did your doctor send you for an MRI scan based on this symptom?
7. Prior to your diagnosis, did you find you could not remember short-term items?
8. Prior to your diagnosis, did you find you could not remember long-term items?
9. Did your symptoms of memory loss lead to the discovery of your acoustic neuroma.
10. Prior to your diagnosis of your acoustic neuroma did you experience a mild to severe form of depression?
11. Did your doctor send you for a MRI or PET scan due to your depression? Or did he give you prescription medicine for it?
12. Did you experience insomnia prior to your diagnosis?
13. Did your insomnia lead to sleep test that helped in your diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma?
14. Did you ever feel like you had trouble concentrating on a task?
15. Did having trouble concentrating lead to the diagnosis of ADD/HD or the acoustic neuroma?
16. Based on the symptoms you showed were you diagnosed for those only or did yoru doctor send you for further test?