Hi V (you and John share the same profile log on?

glad the link helped a bit... it was the most recent info I could find for you and gives good updates on those that had AN treatment and not and how they handled things. My cruises were all pre-AN diagnosis so I can't answer well, but I have balance issues primarily due to another diagnosis I have....so, I do hope others can further answer/help beyond what that thread provided.
As for me, I know I did a post for John in one or 2 threads here. I am now 22 mos post-CK for my 1cm AN. I shared with him that Beth Israel Boston is the only CK center in New England although Brigham/Womans in Boston has a purchase req for one (my brain surgeon over there confirmed to me the purchase req as they currently only offer Novalis FSR for AN radiation therapy). For me and my situation, it was a "no brainer" (hit me for that later). based on my issues and backround and such, my decision was based on usable hearing at the time of treatment (over 90%) and hearing retension. It was based on "do I go invasive or not?". It was based on data showing efficacy on AN's. It was based on others here and on the CK Patient support board that shared info....as well as what the drs there shared on all forms of radiation treatments for AN's. I had my CK at the same age as John (ok, all, stop calculating my age, dang it!) and for the same size AN.
For me, so far, so good! I have my next follow up in 2 wks (MRI this week with hearing test upcoming just before appts). For me, side affects immediately post treatment did occur, things I kinda anticipated, but have now gone. As you know, individual results may vary.... but I have to say that I have been one of the good outcomes

I am available via telephone (I'm on the ANA WTT -- Willing to Talk-- List) as well as email/PM. More than happy to share my CK experience if you'd like...
BTW, pics of the "Muster drill" on the ship would be great!
