Esperanza, here are some things that work for me, returning me to deep, restful sleep after having a bout with insomnia:
Eat a healthy helping of salmon or trout. They are both incredibly high in B vitamins, especially B6. Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of a B-vitamin deficiency, and mental stress increases your need for B vitamins in your diet. Studies show that B vitamins are more difficult to assimilate in pill form than other vitamins, so it's best to get it from your food. After I eat about 1/2 pound of salmon fillet, I usually sleep like a baby.
Meditate. It doesn't matter what kind of meditation you do. Or do yoga. This will calm your mind and should help you sleep better.
Excercise, preferably outdoors. Exercise will tire you out and reduce stress, helping you sleep. And simply getting out of the house and breathing fresh air is a great stress reliever for me.
A hot cup of chamomile tea will calm your nerves and help you sleep. A stronger (yet safe) herbal remedy is valerian root extract. Take it 40 minutes before bedtime. You can find both of these herbs in natural-foods stores. Interestingly, I find that these herbs do nothing for me when I'm low on B vitamins. After eating some salmon, however, valerian puts me to sleep quickly.
Melatonin is a synthesized form of a natural hormone that makes one sleepy. It's available in natural-food stores and at Costco. It does nothing for my wife, but puts me out like a light.
Tinnitus: I have found that eating a healthy meal with lots of steamed, leafy green vegetables (kale, chard or collard greens) almost completely silences my tinnitus, though only for several hours or a day or two. Many people also find relief from taking the herb ginkgo biloba, which increases capillary circulation in the brain.
I hope this helps you.