The medical world is getting to be such a racket any more. It's bad enough that we, as patients, have to pay for our medical records. They are considered the property of the doctor who wrote/made them, even though they contain our personal information. As long as I have gone to the hospital for my MRI's, I have never been charged for copies of the films. I also went for a copy of the report, at a later date, because they had not faxed it to the right doctor (can you imagine them faxing it to all the extra doctors I requested, but not the requesting doctor, i.e. the doctor who wrote the script for the test). I had, at one time, gone to an imaging place who did tell me that if I lost the films, I would be charged for a 2nd copy, but they told me that up front. Once they start charging us for these films after they do them, is the day I will have to just hit someone and just take them because that is just freakin ridiculous. Isn't that the whole point in having insurance? They are already getting paid by the insurance company for the test, now they want to be paid for the films/cd separately? I would think that is part of the entire charge. Just my thoughts.