My surgery was done 4 years ago through a suboccipitical approach done at Jeff in Philly. Because I was a few months out of surgery when I told my doc about the dripping, and yes it occurred when I would bend over, drip drip drip like a faucet, I was sent in for a test. It was called a plegit (not sure of the spelling) study. Basically it went like this..... First I had a scan done, then I had a lumbar punch with a dye injected into the spinal fluid, then I had these things put into my nose, almost like tampons shoved up into my nose, and I had to keep them there for 24 hours. Then they sent me home and I went back the next day for another scan and to take the nose tampons, or plegits out. As soon as they pulled those suckers out, I knew it was a leak (I kind of knew it deep down inside anyway) because they were glowing green from the dye. I was then contacted by the neuros office and immediately admitted into the hospital. After being admitted I was scheduled for surgery (otolaryngologist did the surgery) and the leak was plugged through the mastoid bone behind my right ear (leak was dripping through right nostril). I had a lumbar drain in for a day or so and after it was removed I was told I would probably have spinal headaches. The guy who removed the drain and stitched it told me that caffeine would help with those kinds of headaches and he was right. I don't know what else to add, but if you have any other questions, just ask.