Author Topic: Triology  (Read 2057 times)


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« on: November 02, 2005, 01:09:55 am »
A couple of weeks ago a post was made about a new machine called Trilogy with a link to a webcast of it treating a tumor ( I think in the lung). I had not heard of it at the time but was somewhat surprised at it being referenced as the first radiosurgery machine to be able to treat non cranial tumors as CK has been doing that for 4-5 years now. Subsequently I have found out that it is manufactured by Varian and came across this very brief comparison by Dr. Medberry over on CPSG

Trilogy is image-guided radiation therapy, meaning that a cone-beam CT is obtained on the treatment machine daily to assure beam placement accuracy. Otherwise, it is IMRT. It is almost certainly better than standard IMRT without image guidance, but not as good as image guidance during treatment which is only available on the CK

Clinton A. Medbery, III, M.D.
St. Anthony Hospital Cyberknife Center
(405) 272-7311 or

Obviously all of us with AN's are only concerned with the ability to treat cranial lesions which is relatively simple for these machines. The real excitement of machines like CK and Trilogy is that they now open up the option of precise radiosurgery treatment to people suffering with tumors in other parts of the body that are not necessarily operable. Up to this point they have not been radiosurgery candidates because of the machines inability to follow a moving target which CK can do.  I know this may not be germane to most people reading this board for AN information, but you can't help but feel good for people for who these two machines are giving new hope.


CK for a 2 cm AN with Dr. Chang/ Dr. Gibbs at Stanford
November 2001