More New years purging of closets…ckecking in on the forum during coffee break here… Many ‘celebratory bead stings’ from various (clothed
) festivals are in a box to go off to the Goodwill… but before I drive anywhere where - I
will stop in at Peet’s coffee and order a caramel latte. (Thanks to YOU Lorenzo I am SO addicted now- it IS better than Starbucks- I now agree). MMM maybe I should ask for a 'decaf'.
“How Peet’s Saved my Life� (then got me addicted)
( RE
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/30/books/review/Genzlinger-t.html )
I am
so glad you are back Lorenzo. I just knew you would be!
Have you ever thought of becoming a distance education on-line instructor?Here are some quick examples.
http://www.aionline.edu/degrees/graphic-design/?keyword=graphic%20arts%20education&publisherSite=DSGooglehttp://www.artinstitutes.edu/portland/programs_degrees.asp?pid=10&dtid=5&display=program&keyword=graphic%20art%20schools&publisherSite=DSGooglehttp://www.learn4good.com/distance_learn/distance_learn_canada.htmhttp://www.distance-learning.ca/http://www.open.ac.uk/My own parents were pioneers in starting this institution- back in the 1960-80’s
http://www.athabascau.ca/We may have come out of this AN journey with some ‘disabilities’ but I’ll bet also some new ‘abilities’. Many of us just simply gained some more internet experience by conversing on this forum alone ...and researching links and trying to post photos etc. I know this forum made a huge difference in my recovery. The internet has opened up a whole new world (and job market) that never existed when you and I (us ‘old’ baby boomers LOL) were college aged kids.
I hope you and Capt Deb are still mulling over the idea that at the next ANA symposium we should look at opening up an art exhibit of healing AN’ers work in the conference center foyer. (And any other talented and creatively challenged artists from the ANA community that finds visual arts therapeutic.)
(Did anyone reading here ever sit in the waiting area at HEI and notice the multi-media artwork “Vestibular Journey�?… It would be prefect to put on exhibit at a ANA symposium! If they are willing to loan it for an exhibit.)
I think not just ‘physical rehabilitation’ but also ‘
vocational rehabilitation’ are all part of the healing process
Maybe make another post on our “classroom noise� thread.
http://anausa.org/forum/index.php?topic=5313.0 You could cut & paste your original text on this thread…and see what others, with experiences similar to yours, might also suggest (reply-post)
Lorenzo - Get yourself your own cappuccino- espresso maker. I will ship you some Peet’s BEANS (not beads
) and you can make your own
decaf (You can probably order on-line from USA to Ireland) and start firing out some resumes. As your on-line colleague (buddy and pal) I would be happy to give you a reference… as I know you would be a great on-line instructor. (Fire me an e-mail.)
These obstacles, I am finding, can be overcome with some ideas, encouragement and positive thoughts from ANA buddies.
I hope these ideas lower you BP levels ole buddy! (All that eating out in American restaurants might not have been too good for you sodium levels either)