When I was getting sick, my symptoms worsening and increasing over a long period of time, I thought I had either one of two problems: MS or a brain tumor. It turned out that my problem was twofold: a huge AN growth and hydrocephalus, compounding my equilibrium problems. It required that I have two surgeries for these problems one for a shunt installation and another for the tumor resection a month later.
It is noteworthy that I believed at one point that I was becoming afflicted with MS, my symptoms seemed to mirror those of the disease so closely. I searched the net and read everything I could find that helped shed light on what I was going through. I read so much and narrowed it all down through a process of elimination and eventually diagnosed myself. I would tell the doctors that I was seeing that I probably had an Acoustic Neuroma. They would listen to me and go as far as saying, "possibly". I had to have the MRI with value contrast for a conclusive diagnosis. In fact, the pathology isn't even totally conclusive until the growth has been excised and biopsied to determine if the growth is either cancerous or merely "schwannoma".
This kind of malady can make you feel like you are becoming crippled or that you're contracting MS. I know. I've been there. I went into the sickness as an athlete, jogging 5 miles a day through trails in the woods, over hill and dale. I have thirty years of weight training behind be. Yet, when I was feeling the full effects of the AN along with the hydrocephalus, it got so that I could barely walk and I was in excellent shape. After surgery, I hobbled around on a walker for about two weeks. I'm back up to snuff again, running at least four miles a day and weight training. I'm half deaf and make a living playing music and am actually one of the hottest bass guitarists in the New England area right now. I'm also 50 years old.
I don't know what to say beyond this about your condition. While we all share the same malady (AN) we're all put together differently and suffer variations of how it can effect our bodies.
Please keep us apprised of your condition....