My wife and I are closing on our new (well…new to us), house today and moving out of this small apartment. This is a major milestone for me because I have tended to let my AN rule my life. I thought of its potential impact on every aspect of my life, and tended to take the cautious side of safety. I feared making major financial commitments because of the “what if factor.� What “if� the tumor grew again, what “if� I couldn’t work after re-treatment, what “if�…what “if�…what “if.�
As for my AN status…it’s currently in a holding pattern, and I go for my annual MRI in June. Personally I’d feel better if it actually shrank, but beggars can’t be choosers.
If the future holds that I have to have it treated again…so be it, I’m done letting this tumor rule my life.