Thank you vcschaub!This is incredibly helpful information you have shared.
Here is the direct link to Jackie Diels on the Bell’s Palsy website with her
excellent articles fact that she mentions my own surgeons work in her references makes me all warm fuzzy- since I respect him so much)
This was another article on her, to share, that was brought to my attention today. Jacqueline Diels, OTR (Neuromuscular Retraining Clinic) is also highly recognized in Canada - for her work. she was a resource for the
Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada with their webpage)
… Gee maybe our ANA board should be connecting with her as she would be an invaluable resource (
hint hint to any moderators reading this) on getting a “facial palsy information page� together on our site here. Maybe consider putting her article on the links of this page “
Facial Paralysis�
I have left a message with her directly requesting to help me find a therapist in my locale .
Thank you 16!I have been very busy the last couple days leaving voice mails and e-mails with various parties.
Once I find out
who in my region I can work with, that meets the requirements as indicated in the Bell’s Plasy Info site, I will be sure to update you all.
SoundyGianourmous Canadian Mother bear HUG being sent your way!
Nancy (and my ANA teacher buddies reading on the peripheral),
Amidst all my “googly research� today I came across an article I thought you would appreciate. forward!
Onward Ho Maties! Cheers,