I have not been on-line much as I have been swamped with the kids' back to school routines

…. Sorry for the late reply here – Marg.
Up until last week I had a month plus of almost normalcy

(with the exception of my eye brow not moving) – and never needed the eye weight at all. Since the botox my upper lip started to function and you can now see the some of my upper teeth when I smile. I have had a significant increase in movement ….
However …This last week plus I have started to wear the eye weight again and I am noticing that my neck and chin muscles are getting tighter again and the chin dimple is making a small reappearance. Sadly the botox is now wearing off-

and next month I will return for more injections ….and yes I will agree to a higher dose in each neck muscle- this time. What this did was buy us some time to reduce the overactivity of the firing muscles and give the other ones, that were not yet firing, a chance to catch up or even just start to move- without being tugged the wrong direction by the overactive muscles (that came back to action first and are stronger than the others)
What improved and has started to stabilize, even now that the botox is wearing off, is that my eye does not
involuntarily close as much when I smile, pucker or laugh etc. My upper lip still seems to be able to smile- which it could
not before botox as the lower lip and chin were so overactive.
Basically I am in for injections every 3 months X 3. This was round #1 of 3. It was great to have normalcy for a while and there was actually some facial muscle rehabilitation during this window of time. I was too busy with back-to-school family activities and did not have as much time and opportunity to diligently follow the retraining plan, the last weeks, as I had hoped. Nevertheless during the summer I was diligent about doing my stretches and exercise prescribed to me.
After the botox we saw a huge difference within a matter of two weeks. Now the botox is wearing off -things are tightening up again… Nevertheless there are now muscles and nerves firing that did not fire at all -before.
It is a slow process. I am trying my hardest to be a cooperative and “patient� patient.

Neurological healing is slower than regular muscle healing… and I am learning not just to retrain my facial muscles – but also my patience.