Julie: Is it that the tumor needs to be treated now that your doctor feels you shouldn't try for a baby at this time? What is the size of your tumor and symptoms? Have you seen a specialist about it and gotten thier opinion re: having children at this time?
I believe it is just a theory that the hormones involved in pregnancy and/or breast feeding increase the growth rate of a.n.'s, I have never read an actual article about this but that's not to say there isn't one.
I wasn't aware of my tumor regrowth when I went through my pregnancy with my oldest, the m.r.i. I had prior to having him in fact showed tumor regrowth but I was told it was showing scar tissue (doctor lied to me), I had my son and then an m.r.i. and this one showed growth from the one I had pre-pregnancy, this was when I saw my neurosurgeon, he advised me that the tumor was very small and confined to the auditory canal and that I should go ahead and have more children, if I wished, and just have the tumor monitored yearly, I have since had a second child and waited until she was three until I had the tumor removed. As far as I can recall the tumor did grow through each pregnancy and associated period of breast feeding but a very small amount, no greater than the average a.n. grows during the same time span of someone not pregnant etc.
I think your advise should come from your surgeon/radiologist but I do not see any reasoning for not having a child if treatment is not necessary at this time.
This all being said if I had been told prior to becoming pregnant with my first that I had a tumor regrowth I would have had it treated prior to having my children and the anger I feel towards the doctor who chose to tell me that the m.r.i. showed "scar tissue" only when she had a report in front of her that said "a.n. regrowth" will likely never go away.....my reasoning is that I would have preferred to take the surgical risk of stroke etc. without there having been the wellfare of children in the mix. I took a big chance with thier wellfare by having this surgery I just had to have the regrowth removed.