I have the feeling that the surgeons are going to recommend surgery and the CK guy is going to recommend CK.
Tamara, I think you are catching on now.
Yes, that will probably be the case, leaving the final decision up to you, the person with no prior experience or training in AN. Isn't it a great system we have?
I think your view of possible regrowth after CK is very sensible, a small regrowing AN should not be a huge challenge surgically. I think someone posted elsewhere (Kate, maybe?) a quote from Dr. Medbery, saying in effect "you don't make a treatment decision today based on a 1 or 2% possible outcome", which I think is also very sound advice.
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Jan, I'm sure you are right, having some hearing on the left side makes it much better than having none. I was just at a Portland ANA group meeting, and while I was talking and looking elsewhere, someone asked if I still had directional hearing. They all laughed as I scanned around the room, trying to work out who had asked that. It is not fully functional, and I do say "What?" a lot, but it is not as disorienting as SSD.
Who knows? Despite all my grumbling about it, I may end up trying some sort of hearing aid or listening device anyway. Maybe they have a good one now...