I want all of you to know that by posting this picture and letting all of you share in our lives is a healing process for me and a very big step. This is the final step in healing as trust is the hardest thing to regain after what we have been through. Thank you all for helping me through this. You may not have even been aware that you were having such a huge impact on our lives. Words just don't seem to be enough so I will just say Thank You from the bottom of my heart and soul!
4 you always know exactly what to say to me. Maybe I will post a pic of me after I heal from my surgery that has caused allot of facial deformity for a long time. I have also aged so much these last 3 years. We are recovering well as a family and we would not be where we are now if not for all of you!
Anne Marie my goodness the testosterone in you family must be tremendous at times. Yes he is a MB or as my husband teases a little Milton Bradly or Miltie for short. My husband understands that we have a special bond and there is nothing quite like a bond between a Mother and their child. This is even stronger since his brush with death and his recovery. I have found that Dads have a different kind of bond that is equally important in the developement of young men.
Jan thank you and I will share your post with him.
Nancy he will always be my Baby Pumpkin no matter what and I believe he is OK with that at least while we are in private.
Phyl you just seem to always know what the meaning of what is not said is. Thank you for picking up on that.
Brenda with all you are going through it means so much for you to take the time to show your Granddaughters his pic and then post. He will be thrilled when I read these posts to him. His head may swell to much!
Lynn I am so proud of him and he definatly deserves all of my pride. He is just a wonderful person! Even when he has his teenage moments. I am just so happy to still have him around.
Mindy I sent you a PM and read him your PM to me he gave me that lopsided grin and he had that twinkle in his eyes that I just love to see.
I Love all of you and you are all so special to me and my family.
Kisses to all of you! 16